Maintaining healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime.
- Risk assessment and management
- Eliminate, manage, minimize, or reduce gum disease
- Personalized system to prevent cavities
- Management of dry mouth
- Optimal oral care to create positive general health
- Management of acidic oral environments
- Silver diamine fluoride
- Fluoride treatments
- Sealants
- Digital x-rays
- Oral cancer screening
- Oral care instructions
- Sport mouth guards

Keeping your teeth as healthy and functional as possible.
- Composite (white) fillings
- Metal crowns
- Porcelain crowns
- Implant crowns
- Inlays/onlays
- Dental bridgework
- Complete and partial dentures
- Implant supported dentures
- Implant supported bridge
Temporal Mandibular Disorder (TMD)
Diagnosing and treating chronic jaw, head, neck and shoulder pain due to TMD.
- Bite, jaw, and joint concerns
- Diagnoses and management
- Bite analysis
- Occlusal splints (TMD therapy)
- T-Scan
- Equilibration (bite adjustment)
- Night guards

Keeping your teeth as healthy and functional as possible.
- Tooth whitening
- Veneers
- Composite (white) fillings
- Porcelain crowns
- Implant crowns
- Inlays/onlays
- Dental bridgework
- Complete and partial dentures
- Implant supported dentures
- Implant supported bridges
- Alignment of teeth
Health and Wellness
Making the link between oral health and overall health.
- Nutrition
- Family health
- Concerns regarding sleep disordered breathing
- Impact of optimal oral care on general health

Removing painful or problem teeth when necessary.
- Minor extractions
- Referral for more complicated cases
Aligning crooked or crowded teeth for a better bite and improved smile.
- Invisalign
- Referrals for comprehensive orthodontic treatment

Preserving your natural smile.
- Root canal therapy
- Referral for more complicated cases
Myofunctional Therapy
Brushing and flossing are an essential part of maintaining oral health, but for some people they just aren’t enough. There are fundamental recommendations that until recently have gone under the radar and for many, providing a vital piece of the puzzle.
What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy? Let’s break it down. Orofacial, refers to the mouth and face. Myo means muscle, and functional – how it moves.
The goals of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy are to promote:
- Proper resting tongue position
- Correct lip seal
- Nasal breathing
- Functional swallow
In today’s world, where our foods, environment, and lifestyles are changing, so too are our faces. Often when there is a misbalance in the body, we will compensate in an attempt to self-correct. However, these compensations can lead to complications down the road. A few common problems that may arise from myofunctional disorders are: mouth breathing, headaches, poor sleep, poor jaw growth, inconsistent swallowing or speech patterns, tooth decay, periodontal diseases, jaw/joint problems and bad bite.
Mouth breathing, for example, can cause your mouth to become dry, which promotes bacteria growth leading to cavities and gum problems. Mouth breathing is also associated with increased sympathetic nervous system response (fight or flight mode) associated with anxiety and high blood pressure.
Through various exercises, Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy encourages proper muscle function to reduce or eliminate harmful compensations and restore a proper resting posture for facial muscles to encourage optimal growth.